Your Guide to Pivot in Paris

Emmanuelle Beaufort

Who am I? That’s a big question—and one I’ve been exploring for most of my life.

I’m French-American, and growing up between these two cultures has shaped my love for both the energy of the American spirit and the beauty and history of Parisian life. Now, in my own midlife, I’ve come to appreciate the richness of this stage, with all its challenges and opportunities.

There’s one quote that resonates deeply with me, it’s from “The Marvelous Mrs. Maisel”, Midge Maisel says:

“I want a big life. I want to experience everything. I want to break every single rule there is. They say ambition is an unattractive trait in a woman. Maybe. But you know what’s really unattractive? Waiting around for something to happen. Staring out a window, thinking the life you should be living is out there somewhere but not being willing to open the door and go get it. Even if someone tells you you can’t. Being a coward is only cute in The Wizard of Oz.”

That quote speaks to something I’ve searched for my entire life—the desire to live fully, to create a life that feels truly worthwhile. For years, I searched for the answer to what makes a life big, filled with purpose, meaning, and ambition. I studied psychology, philosophy, and even film, always chasing the idea of how to make life truly fulfilling.

It wasn’t until midlife and becoming a life coach that I finally understood how to stop waiting and start “creating” that big life I had been chasing. And now, I’m here to help other women do the same.

For the past five years, I’ve been working as a coach, dedicating myself to helping others transform their lives. Along the way, I’ve deepened my expertise becoming a certified life coach, an NLP Master Practitioner, and training in hypnotherapy. What I’ve learned is that coaching isn’t about having all the answers; it’s about creating a space where people can explore, gain clarity, and use practical tools to shape their lives

I’m in midlife, too, and I get it. I have two older boys who keep me on my toes, and I know what it’s like to juggle being a mother, a partner, work, and still find time for myself. My brain can be scattered, and I thrive on inspiration rather than pressure. I love discovering hidden gems—whether it’s a tucked-away Parisian café or a fresh way of thinking—and sharing those moments with others who are ready to explore.

That’s why I created Pivot in Paris. It’s a blend of everything I love and do best: connecting with others, exploring new ideas, and bringing together my two cultures. This retreat is about more than just taking a break; it’s about stepping into a city that has inspired countless transformations and letting it inspire yours.

Over our seven days together, we’ll eat, drink, discover, and learn. We’ll have real conversations, explore new perspectives, and appreciate the beauty in everyday moments. You don’t need to have everything figured out when you arrive. I’m here to guide, listen, and help you uncover what makes life feel meaningful and exciting.

I can’t wait to meet you in Paris and share this experience. It will be a journey that opens up new possibilities and leaves you feeling truly alive.

– Emmanuelle